
What Is Breast Augmentation? Common Questions Regarding Breast Augmentation in Peshawar and Pakistan

Breast augmentation aka as Breast Enlargement or Augmentation Mammoplasty  is among the most popular cosmetic surgeries in Peshawar as well as Pakistan. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure for the enhancement of shape of breast, to augment the size or to have contoured breasts. The ultimate goal of which is to enhance the natural proportions of the patient in order to give a boost to the patient’s confidence, and to create a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing breast profile.

Why Women Go For Breast Augmentation

With breast augmentation trend increasing throughout the world, there must be some reason behind such an exponential increase. Breast augmentation is a positive and a major step for many women. Here are some very common reasons that act as a driving force for women to undergo this procedure;

The Ever-Changing Beauty Paradigms

The paradigms of beauty have been changed tremendously over the recent past years. Among them ‘breast augmentation’ without any scruples is at the top of the list. In order to come up with latest beauty standards, breast augmentation is now deemed as an essential.

Because It Is Now Easier And Safer

With the advancement in technology, the art of beauty has also become advanced, now gaining perfection is by no means a dream, one does not have to yearn for a perfect body shape as the cosmetic surgeries are easily accessible to everyone and they are much safer now. So, people do not think for a moment to undergo a cosmetic procedure rather they go for it straight away.

It Increases Self-Esteem

What we think about our ‘body image’ is something that has a colossal amount of impact on our self-esteem. So, women with smaller breast size or some sort of noticeable asymmetries, can’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable which inadvertently posits a threat to their self-esteem and their psychological state.
Women opt for breast augmentation in order to give a boost to their self-confidence. But first you must learn to love yourself the way you are because everyone is unique in his/her own way so even before having your breast augmented do keep this thing in your mind that this breast augmentation is just there to improve the uniqueness and perfection you already own.

To Overcome The Inevitable Age Sagging

Aging being an unavoidable phenomenon has an impact on all the bodily processes and saggy breasts are no exception. Women go for breast augmentation in order to deal with this aging factor to look younger and confident.

To Retrieve The Breast Appearance After Pregnancy

Yet again like aging, pregnancy has a drastic effect on the body of a women because after all she has grown up a little human inside her body. And it is no wonder to know that breast size reduces after pregnancy and adding more to this, breastfeeding causes them to sag. So, women do consider ‘breast augmentation’ to make their breast to revert back to their original size and shape or sometimes even better than the previous shape.

How It Is Done?

Breast augmentation takes two forms either through ‘breast implant’ or through ‘Fat Grafting breast augmentation’. However, breast implants are more popular these days as compared to any other procedure. Some recent statistics show an astonishing number of women undergoing this procedure. No wonder it is among the top cosmetic surgeries performed these days across the globe.

Breast Implants

The most common implants that are on rampant these days are the saline and silicone gel. Both use an outer shell made of a plastic type material called silicone.

Saline Breast Implant

They are filled with sterile salt water. When they are inserted, they are empty and then filled when they are in place. They are available for women above the age of 17 for breast augmentation.

Silicone Breast Implants

They are filled with plastic gel called silicone which is a coarse, sticky fluid that is just an imitation of human fat. They are available to women age 22 and above for breast augmentation.

But many women prefer silicone based implants because of their tendency to give a natural look. But they are more pernicious as compared to the saline one in case of rupture which is quite rare.

However, both these implants come in different sizes and can have either smooth or textured shells.

Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation

It is also gaining popularity side by side breast implants since most of the women who aren’t into getting an implant but rather looking for having some extra volume. It is best suited for women who just want to add an extra kick to their previous breast augmentation procedure or who just want a subtle increase in their breast volume.

Moreover, this procedure is gaining popularity since it is a scar-less procedure which begins by accumulating the unnecessary fat from other parts of the body such as hips, abdomen etc. then this fat is safely and subtly injected into the breasts, leaving no scars behind.

What To Expect?

Breast augmentation can be done in a clinical setting and you might be pleasantly surprise to know that you can go home the same day. The procedure very rarely requires a hospital stay.

It is usually done by administering local anesthesia (you are awake and your breast area is numbed) or under general anesthesia (in which you are asleep during the surgery).

During The Procedure

There are three basic ways to place an incision (cut) for inserting these implants which your surgeon knows best which one to opt for;

  • INFRAMAMMARY (in this the cut (incision) is placed in the crease just underneath your breast).
  • AXIALLARY (the incision is places in your armpit)
  • PERIAREOLAR (the incision is placed around your nipple)All these three incisions leave inconspicuous scar which is hardly noticeable.

After The Procedure

Swelling and soreness are among the most common post operation complication but however this is not something to worry about as long as you are observing follow ups and are ardently following the instructions given by your surgeon.

For silicone implants it is recommended to have proper screening periodically (through mammograms, ultrasounds or MRI) to screen for any silicone implant rupture which is quite rare to happen.

Stay safe by maintaining regular screening through mammograms as prescribed by your doctor.

When performed by a competent cosmetic surgeon who has expertise in this particular field, breast augmentation can be among one of the most safe, wonderful and life changing experiences of your life. Thus, it is important to act wisely while looking for a cosmetic surgeon in order to have the best and satisfactory results.

Myths Regarding Breast Augmentation in Pakistan

However, there is a myriad of myths regarding breast augmentation among them the foremost ones are regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding- that breast augmentation hinders the natural process of breastfeeding. But you will be pleasantly surprise to learn that breast augmentation does not thwart the breastfeeding process. Moreover, it is also safe for future pregnancies.
No matter what procedure you opt for getting your breasts augmented, either via implants or through fat grafting technique, both are absolutely safe for pregnancies and breastfeeding.

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