
Breast Lift or Mastopexy in Peshawar Pakistan

Breast lift aka ‘Mastopexy’ is a cosmetic surgery which involves the removal of excess skin and tightening of the breast tissue to reshape it, in order to give a lift and a new contour to the drooping breasts.

It does not deal with accentuating the size of your breasts but it only raises the breasts and reposition the nipple higher on the chest wall to give them a rejuvenating effect. However, it is sometimes done in combination with breast augmentation or breast reduction to give best results.

Breast lifting is gaining popularity across the globe because it not only gives a rejuvenating contour to the body but also helps you to get more confident and boosts your self-esteem.

Recent statistical data show a remarkable increase in the trend of getting breasts lifted. The trend of breast lifts has been grown by 70% since 2000. Which shows its popularity increasing at an exponential rate among women all across the globe.

Why Women Opt Breast Lift or Mastopexy in Pakistan?

Well there are a number of reasons that go into deciding why and when to get a breast lift;


The inevitable process of aging has a drastic effect on your body and breasts are no exception. With age breast tissues lose their longevity and of course firmness hence leading to sagginess. So, a breast lift can not only intensify your figure, but it can also give you a breast profile that is more youthful and uplifted.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

During pregnancy a human body undergoes tremendous changes that show how remarkable a human body is. It undergoes a lot of stretching including the stretching of breast tissues as they grow larger and fuller during pregnancy. And after pregnancy when the body reverts back to its original size, this excessive stretching causes them to sag.

Breast feeding also proliferates the sagging process since it stretches both the fatty and connective tissues.

After pregnancy and breastfeeding the breasts may revert back to their original shape but the skin stays stretched, making them to look saggy. So, this is the high time to consider a plastic surgeon to get back the lost shape and volume.


Yes, of course gravity works on your breasts as well causing the tissues in the breasts to stretch and sag with time.

Sudden Weight Loss

People might go for a crash diet plan and cross the safe limit of weight loss. Which ultimately causes the breast skin to lose elasticity and make them look saggy.

You may also consider breast lift when your nipples and areolae point downwards, falling below the crease line. Or when the areola enlarges, breast lifting is the best option since it reduces the size of areola as well.

The Latest Beauty Trends

The trends of beauty have been changed tremendously over the recent past years. Among these trends ‘breast lifting’ without any scruples is at the top of the list. In order to come up with latest beauty standards, breast lifting is now deemed as an essential, since in this instagrammable world of today, women choose to go trendy.

What To Consider Before Undergoing This Procedure?

When it comes to your body it is definitely not worth it to stay oblivious to so many things and go straight into the procedure without considering the following points;

A Competent Surgeon

Without any scruples, the success of your surgery is highly reliant on the competency of your surgeon. You must make a sagacious choice while looking for a surgeon.

Medical History

You must not hide your medical history from your surgeon and be open and honest about your previous medical history or any medication that you have taken recently, to make sure the best results possible.

Plan Mammograms

It is wise enough to have mammograms before and after the breast lifting procedure. Since it allows you and your surgeon to see the progress or otherwise to account for glitches if there are any.

Instructions From Surgeon

Many women are of the view that breast lifting have caused them to follow a healthy life style, since before having this cosmetic surgery your surgeon is likely to give you a bunch of instructions to help prevent you from facing any complications in the future after having surgery.

The instructions will include things such as to refrain from smoking, since smoking hinders the healing process by decreasing the blood flow in your body.

Making sure you are off medications since they increase the blood flow making you to run the risk of bleeding.

Getting The Breast Lift

You will get your breast lift either in a hospital setting or in an outpatient surgery center, where the surgeon will mark the proper position where your nipple will go then you will meet with the anesthesiologist who will either give you a local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

After that the process of removal of extra skin starts and the breast tissue is reshaped to reposition the nipple to give it a lift. However, the technique used for this procedure vary from patient to patient depending on the location of incision your cosmetic surgeon decides to give.

After closing the incisions with stitches your surgeon might place tiny tubes in your breasts to collect any excess fluid and these tubes remain there for the next 24- 48 hours after surgery.

Post- Surgery Procedure

Your bandages and draining tubes will be removed followed by frequent follow-up visits. You will experience swollen breasts, numb nipples. Last but not the least, bruised breasts are also a part and parcel of post breast lift surgeries that will vanish in a matter of weeks and it is absolutely normal to have such bruising.

Final Result

After the you have subtly endured the whole procedure the results will make you feel that it was all worth it. You will be able to see a significant and pleasant change in the shape of your breasts. However, your breasts will continue to change but ardently following a healthy life style will help you maintain and retain your results.

Myths Regarding Breast-Lift

It is largely yet wrongly believed that breast lift has an impact on breastfeed. But you will be pleasantly surprised to know that breast lift has nothing to do with the natural process of breastfeeding.

So, voila! if you are planning any future pregnancy you can still go for this procedure since it is absolutely safe in terms of future pregnancies and eventually breastfeeding too.


Anyone can have a breast lift either with large or with small breasts but women with smaller breasts if undergo this surgery their results will be more lasting as compared to the women with larger breasts. Since larger breasts are heavier causing them to run the risk of drooping again.


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