
What Is Brachioplasty?

Defying the phenomenon of aging and a sculpted physique is desired by both the sexes – they go for various procedures to keep their body in shape. And one such approach to stay youthful is brachioplasty;

Also known as arm lift, brachioplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure to reshape and provide improved contour to the upper arm – from arm to the elbow by removing the extra skin and tissue.

How Does An Arm Lift Help?

75% of women are of the view that brachioplasty has given a remarkable boost to their confidence level and self-esteem. The same has been claimed by 80% of men.

Arm lift can potentially help fix the sagged and loose skin that might be triggered by various factors.

When I Am More Likely To Get A Brachioplasty?

Aging and genetics decide the fate of your surgery.

Nearly 40% of the people who get this surgery done are in their 40’s and a whopping of 50% get it done when in their 50’s.

But if you have ‘early sagging’ running in your family or genetics, you might consider it at quite a young age since your genes make you more prone to saggy skin.

According to the statistical data 10% of the people who undergo this procedure are in their late 30’s.

Is Brachioplasty Safe?

Well, you can have a cue about the safety of this procedure by its popularity. Perhaps it will come to you as a surprise to learn that it is among the top most performed surgeries in the world.

From 2000 to 2014 brachioplasty has been increased by 900%.

Not only women but men are also the best candidates for this procedure since both are equally prone to aging – which develops at different rates in different people.

Why I Might Need A Brachioplasty?

  • As you get older, the skin of your body gets sagged and loose including that of upper arms. Once you hit your 30’s your muscle mass begins to decrease by 5%.
  • Second reason might include excessive weight gain – causing the skin to droop. As 36.3% of people who undergo this procedure are obese.
  • Third is the excessive weight loss, after which your body does not have enough elasticity to revert back to the original form.

How Do I Prepare For Brachioplasty?

  • Your surgeon provides you detailed preoperative instructions.
  • Answers all your questions – if you have any.
  • Take a through a medical history.
  • Perform a physical exam to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
  • Discuss your expectations with the surgeon – why you want an arm lift and what are your hopes from the procedure.

You surgeon may also ask you to;

  • Stop taking certain medications
  • Stop smoking
  • Stay hydrated before and after the surgery
  • He may also recommend to lose some weight if you are overweight, to minimize the chances of complications.

What The Procedure Is Like?

  • Brachioplasty can be done in an outpatient setting.
  • Your surgeon starts by marking the targeted areas where he plans to give an incision.
  • Next you are injected with the numbing medication. It can either be local or general.
  • After that your surgeon makes an incision on the undersides of your arms.
  • Then he tightens and reshapes the tissue in your upper arm.
  • Pulls your skin back over the tissue and closes the surgical wound with stitches.

Are There Any Risks Involved In This Surgery?

As with any other surgical procedure this surgery too comes along with certain hitches. But they are not long lasting and goes down in a matter of days;

  • Redness of the skin
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Numbness
  • Little pain and discomfort
  • Fever
  • Bleeding

How Can I Speed Up The Recovery Process?

  • Avoid strenuous physical activities
  • Take the prescribed medications
  • Avoid lifting your arms above shoulder level for at least 3 to 4 weeks.
  • By wearing a compression garment.

What Are My Options For The Procedure?

What option you may opt depends on your skin quality and the extent of your excess fat and skin. The choice is however made by your surgeon based on your anatomy. The options include;

  • Liposuction
  • Limited-incision brachioplasty
  • Standard brachioplasty
  • Extended brachioplasty

How Soon Can I Get Back To Work?

Recovery time is usually about 1 to 2 weeks. However, within 6 weeks you should be able to return to your normal activity level.

Will There Be A Scar?

Of course, yes! But the best thing is that luckily it fades away with time.  So, there is nothing to worry about.

How The Results Are Like?

The results are promising, giving you a sculpted and perfectly contoured arms. The results are typically long lasting and maintaining a stable, healthy weight helps you retain the results.

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