Chemical peels have two main functions: to loosen dead skin cells and to cause controlled damage by removing layers of skin, initiating epidermal growth (simple…

Chemical peels have two main functions: to loosen dead skin cells and to cause controlled damage by removing layers of skin, initiating epidermal growth (simple…
Tummy tuck and Mommy Makeover surgeries are some of the most effective surgical options available to eliminate loose skin, reduce excess fat, and repair weakened…
Treatment If you’ve tried over-the-counter (nonprescription) acne products for several weeks and they haven’t helped, ask your doctor about prescription-strength medications. A dermatologist can help…
Receding hairlines and baldness are not just related to age anymore. Various lifestyle changes, dietary habits, consumption of alcohol and smoking, chemical-based shampoos etc., are…
Vitamin C is the most common antioxidant in skin. Unfortunately, humans do not have the enzyme (L-gluconogamma lactone oxidase) to make vitamin C, therefore it…
Breast reduction surgery is also known as reduction mammaplasty or mammoplasty. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reducing large or sagging breasts to a more comfortable size and shape…
Our bodies naturally change with age, and those differences might include new wrinkles on our faces or cheekbones that aren’t as high as they once were.…
ACNE – THE MOST COMMON SKIN CONDITION IN THE WORLD Acne affects over 85% of the world’s population. A skin condition that is extremely prominent…
If you’re bothered by your acne scars, then you might be considering having laser treatment to get rid of them. However, will the results of…