
A facelift can get rid of some wrinkles, folds, and facial drooping to help make your face younger again. However, a lot of patients, worry about the recovery after facelift surgery. How long will it last?  Is it going to be painful? How do you sleep after facelift surgery?

Recovering from a facelift can be challenging, however, the results are well worth it. Day after day, swelling and bruising will improve, and after a few weeks, you’ll be able to show off the results.

That being said, before you undergo the surgery, you might want to learn more about the recovery period. In this article, you’ll find a day-by-day facelift recovery timeline so that you know what to expect. Furthermore, we have also given you valuable advice from our surgeons, tips, tricks, as well as some home remedies to help speed up facelift recovery.

What happens after Facelift Surgery?

A facelift is a very popular cosmetic surgery for both men and women who want to look younger again. It aims to rejuvenate the face and neck and reverse the signs of ageing.

As you age, your skin loses elasticity. Your skin becomes more lax, saggy, and droopy. You might start noticing more:

  • Wrinkles
  • Skin folds
  • Saggy or heavy jowls
  • Droopy cheeks
  • A faded jawline
  • A double chin

During your facelift, your surgeon will make an incision either around your ear or along the edge of your face. They will use this incision to pull your deep facial tissue back up into place. Then they will fix the deep tissue with sutures, and trim off any excess skin.

A facelift can contour your jawline, remove a double chin, and outline your neck. It can also soften or minimize those wrinkles and folds that make you look older.

The Specialist Plastic Surgeons here at Cosmetic Experts offer several different types of face and neck lifts, depending on what you want and need, including;

  • Traditional SMAS facelift
  • Mini facelift
  • Deep plane facelift
  • Mid facelift (cheek lift)
  • Neck Lift / Lower Face Lift
  • Liquid facelift with Injectables

Facelift Recovery Timeline

Recovery after a facelift usually takes a few weeks. During this time, you’ll need to rest and take care of your wounds. You should expect some bruising and pain, as well as face and neck swelling during the first few days after your facelift.

Day by day and week by week, these symptoms will fade away. You’ll be able to go back to work, do sports, and sleep on your side in a relatively short time. We’ve put together an informative facelift recovery timeline to guide you on what you should expect during the recovery period.


Our surgeons perform Facelift surgery under general anesthesia. This means that you’re unconscious during the procedure. Once your plastic surgeon finishes the surgery, the anesthetist will wake you up. Then, you will be transferred to the recovery room, which is usually adjacent to the operation room. From there, the staff will monitor you briefly before transferring you to your room.

You should expect to feel fatigue and drowsiness immediately after your facelift. As the anaesthetic wears off, you will become more alert, however, you may also start experiencing some pain. Fortunately, your plastic surgeon will have a pain management plan in place, and your nurses will administer painkillers as necessary. Although a facelift can hurt right after surgery, it’s nothing that can’t be managed with routine painkillers.

DAYS 1-2

You will most likely spend the night at the hospital for monitoring. A bandage will be wrapped around your head, behind your ears, and under your chin, which can make sleeping uncomfortable. Sometimes, surgeons leave thin drains in your wounds to prevent fluid build-up. However, these are usually removed the following day along with the bandages.

You will be able to go home on the second day after your facelift. Prior to your surgery, you would have been told to organise for someone to assist you after surgery. They will drive you home and provide you with the care you need during the first few days of your recovery.

You may also be asked to wear a chin strap (band) for the first two weeks after your facelift to help improve the outcome.

DAYS 3-4

Bruising and swelling reach their peak 3 days post-surgery. You might notice that one side is more affected or swollen than the other, don’t worry, that’s completely normal.

You may also notice some blood spotting from your facelift wounds, this is also normal and isn’t something you need to worry or stress about. That being said, if there’s excessive bleeding that doesn’t stop, you should contact your surgeon immediately.

By day 3 post-surgery, you can shower without worrying about getting water on your wounds. What’s important is to not rub your face and neck area, and use wound-friendly soap. When finished, make sure to properly dry your face and wounds by patting them gently with a towel.

DAYS 4-7

The swelling and bruising around your facelift wounds will begin to improve after the first week. You will come to the clinic for suture removal during this time and your surgeon will give you further instructions and tips to recover faster from your facelift.

WEEK 1-2

By the end of week one, the swelling and bruising will have significantly improved and will continue to do so as time pass. You can get back to work during this time, with only minimal visible signs of surgery.

Furthermore, you can gradually start performing low-risk exercises like walking. However, contact sports, jogging, weight lifting, and sports that involve neck movement are forbidden during this stage of facelift recovery.

By the end of the second week, you won’t need any pain medications at all. However, you will still need to sleep on your back and avoid any strenuous exercise.


Your face will regain its normal shape and you will start noticing dramatic improvement. As the swelling subsides, the final results of your facelift will become more apparent.

You will notice that there’s no more excess skin, the wrinkles have reduced, no more double chin, and you’ll have tighter cheeks. By the end of this stage, the signs of surgery will be almost all gone. Minimal swelling, no bruising, and no pain should remain by this point.


One month after your facelift surgery, you can resume most physical activity. You can jog, swim, and ride your bicycle. If you are normally a side sleeper, you’ll be happy to know that you can start sleeping on your side again around this point. No need to use a recliner or keep your head elevated while you sleep.

Facelift Recovery Tips – Do and Don’t

There are some helpful tips that you can follow to speed up recovery after your facelift. A few lifestyle adjustments, home remedies, and expert advice can make facelift recovery easier and faster.

Below is a list of our facelift recovery do’s and don’ts;


  • To reduce swelling after your facelift, you can use cold compresses on your wound.
  • Make sure you use a clean towel or sterile gauze for this purpose.
  • This will help the swelling go down faster after your surgery.


  • Sleeping face down early after your surgery can disrupt the wound and possibly ruin your facelift.
  • It’s recommended that you avoid sleeping face down for at least 1 month.


  • Sleeping in a recliner after your facelift can help reduce swelling and prevent seroma formation.
  • If you don’t have a recliner, you can put multiple pillows under or above your bed mattress to keep your head elevated.
  • An elevation of at least 30 degrees is recommended.


  • You should avoid tanning during the first 2-3 months after your facelift.
  • Excessive sunlight can make your scars darker and will interfere with the normal healing process.


  • Bending down and lifting weights will cause unwanted strain on your facelift wounds.
  • It might even result in the wound breaking open.
  • It could also provoke arterial bleeding.


  • Your plastic surgeon will give you detailed instructions for every step of your facelift recovery.
  • You will receive a prescription for painkillers, as well as, medications such as;
    • Arnica, which decreases bruising and swelling
    • Arnigade which helps your wounds heal faster.
  • These supplements contain a variety of active ingredients and vitamins (like vitamins E and C) which promote skin regeneration and healing.


  • Smoking can absolutely ruin your facelift.
  • Cigarettes and nicotine are the enemies when it comes to recovering from plastic and cosmetic surgery.
  • Smoking or Vaping can;
    • Delay healing
    • Increase the risk of infections
    • And ruin your aesthetic results.
  • Consider your facelift a chance to stop smoking altogether if you can. If not, then the recommendation is that you stop at least 4-6 weeks both before and after your facelift.
  • The longer the better.


  • Hydration is essential for a normal healing process after your facelift (or any surgery).
  • Water is the most important component in all metabolic processes, including those which promote wound healing and skin regeneration.
  • You should also stay nourished and follow a healthy diet after your facelift.
  • A balanced diet that’s full of nutrients can boost your immunity and support your body’s healing abilities.

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