
Modern hair transplant surgery has evolved significantly, and the infamous “hair plug” procedures have become a thing of the past. Modern hair transplant procedures, like follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), have the potential to create natural-looking hairlines and restore hair loss effectively with long-lasting results.

Modern hair transplant surgery has advanced that errors in previous procedures can be corrected through revision hair transplants. Our hair transplant surgeons at Cosmetic Expert Clinic are experts in revision hair transplantation and can create full, natural-looking hair that suits your needs.

Do we need revision FUE?

You may wonder how long hair transplant results will last if you have already had the surgery or plan to undergo it. Fortunately, newly transplanted hair follicles will continue to grow for many years after the transplantation is complete.

Though hair transplantation gives you a permanent solution for your hair loss and enhances your looks great, it may not cure hair loss. After decades, your hair may not look as healthy as it did in the initial years of your first hair transplant surgery. In this scenario, based on your need, a second hair transplant surgery, often called revision surgery, is an option to rejuvenate your thinning hair.

So a revision FUE hair transplantation is preferred when:

  • The patient wants more grafts
  • The first procedure did not provide satisfactory results
  • Thinning of hair decades after the first hair transplantation.

On the other hand, you may have noticed that the results are either 100% guaranteed or 100% successful on several websites. Hair transplantation is similar to all other surgical procedures, where the results depend on many factors, and they vary from patient to patient. If any surgeon or clinic promises you 100% guaranteed results, don’t believe it since it is not true.

Occasionally, we have also seen patients with fewer results. Adapting to the evolving & advanced technology, we improved our hair transplant techniques, which helped us reduce failures to less than 5%, whereas new & inexperienced clinics face 30%-40% failures.

Nevertheless, it is very difficult to determine the exact cause that affects the results as they are evaluated over a year, and many possible factors could contribute to them.

Keeping in mind economic factors, we are committed to ensuring that we offer a revision procedure if transplanted grafts fail to grow (only for certain types of hair loss conditions) at an affordable cost. We promise to provide you with a 100% ethical and correct FUE procedure.

People unwilling to accept failure can opt for alternative non-surgical procedures like wigs, patches, scalp micro-pigmentation, hair fibres, etc. We have seen some patients who came to us with FUE overharvesting, in which any method of revision would be nearly impossible. Before deciding on revision surgery, it is important to make a careful assessment.

There is an ever-increasing demand for revision hair transplants as hair transplants continue to progress. However, several people are considering hair transplantation either through the strip or FUE technique. More and more people have revision procedures.


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