
You might have looked at the thinning hair on your head and wondered how could you ever stop all the hair falling off your head. You look and all the large patches of scalp underneath your thin hair and think about all the remedies, treatments and supplements you have even used to improve the health of your hair but all in vain.

You wonder why you have not got any positive results even after spending tons of money on your hair care to improve the health of your hair, to stop thinning of your hair, to initiate the regrowth of your hair, to remove the acne and acne marks, and to make your skin clean and clear without line, folds and wrinkles.

But as a matter of fact, hair health and damaged skin does not Improve from home remedies. But now, you can improve both your skin and hair using the PRP treatment.

What is PRP?

PRP ( platelets rich plasma ) treatment for hair and skin is a procedure in which blood is taken from the patient and then the plasma is separated from the blood by using centrifuge method. The plasma which is separated from the blood is enriched with blood platelets.

Now, this plasma is injected into the scalp or the damaged skin area of the face with the help of micro injections. It is an almost painless procedure as the scalp or the face of the patient is numbed.

The platelets rich plasma gets mixed into the blood stream around the scalp or the face and from there it initiated the hair regrowth, reduces acne and acne scars.

Myth # 1:

PRP is a risky procedure.

No, PRP is not a risky procedure. in this technique your own blood is used to extract plasma and then your own blood plasma is injected back into the damaged area using micro needles. So that it does not cause any allergies and reactions. This makes PRP a safe procedure.

Myth # 2:

PRP is a surgical procedure

No, PRP is not a surgical procedure at all. In PRP treatment micro needles are used to inject patient’s blood plasma back into the scalp or face. It does not include any procedure of surgery.

Myth # 3:

PRP is a painful procedure

PRP indeed is a painful procedure. We repeat it is. But getting PRP done with team Cosmetic Expert Hair Transplant Skin and Plastic Surgery Clinic isn’t painful at all.  However, the patient feels minor pressure when the needle pierces through the skin. But this pressure is very little. The patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure.

Myth # 4:

PRP might cause infections

No, PRP does not cause infections. The probability of infection at the site where the injection is administrated is less than 1%. Making it a very safe procedure.

Myth # 5:

PRP results last for a few weeks

NO, PRP lasts for different time period for different people with different level of severity of the problem and health. In most people the results of PRP complete session lasts for 6 – 14 months. After that you have to take more sittings for maintaining the results of improved hair and skin.

Myth # 6:

PRP is an age bound treatment

No, PRP is not a limited to any age group. Patients belonging to any age group can take this procedure.

Myth # 7:

PRP is only used for cell regrowth

PRP treatment is not only used for cell regrowth but it is also used for hair regrowth and skin improvement. For example: wrinkle removal, acne removal, acne scar removal.  Other than that, it is also used for healing and strengthening of soft tissues like tendons and ligaments.

Myth # 8:

PRP treatments are vert expensive

NO, PRP treatment are not very expensive. They are much more affordable than other procedures which are used for the same purpose. And per session costs 6000 pkr – 12000 pkr. Depending upon the severity of the problem and effected area where the procedure id to be done.

Myth # 9:

PRP treatments are Unproven

NO, there is no such thing as that. PRP treatments were first used in 1970’s and now, like other fields of medicine have revolutionized. Researches have proven PRP treats hair loss in women and it is very successful. Also, PRP treatments got very popular when they were used on air in a reality tv show The Kardashians. Where the internet sensation Kim Kardashian took PRP treatments. And the results were very visible.

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