
thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to help patients remove hanging skin and fat from the thigh area. This creates a smoother thigh contour to address cosmetic concerns. It can also resolve certain medical concerns such as rashes or infections due to hanging skin after weight loss.


Thigh lift surgery is a surgical procedure that is designed to remove an area of excess skin and tissue around the upper inner thigh area. This area is prone to have excess skin, especially with aging or large amounts of weight loss.

The main goal of a thigh lift is to reduce excessive amounts of skin and fat around the thigh area. While it can remove fat, it is not a weight-loss procedure and should not be used as such.


You may be a good candidate for a thigh lift if:

  • You have excessive soft tissue around the inner or outer thigh area
  • You don’t smoke and don’t take recreational drugs
  • You are in overall good health
  • You’ve had a stable weight for at least six months
  • You are maintaining a healthy diet
  • You are physically active

It’s worth mentioning that a thigh lift procedure is not a replacement for exercise, dieting, or any other traditional methods of weight loss. While it provides skin tightening and mild fat reduction, other cosmetic procedures may be better alternatives for body contouring purposes.


A thigh lift is an invasive surgical procedure that can take a few hours to complete. First, you’ll be administered general anesthesia to put you to sleep. Your surgeon will then make a cut on the inner thigh, depending on the area being treated. The length of these cuts will be determined by the amount of skin and tissue that needs to be removed.

From these incisions, your surgeon will remove excess fat and skin. The remaining tissue is then pulled together and stitched to close the wound. Incision areas are then taped and doctors may insert drains to remove excess fluid. Your doctor will work to ensure that the incisions are placed in such a way that the scars are as invisible as possible.


You can expect to see an improved contour of the lower legs after your procedure. While initial results are visible immediately after the procedure, it can take several months for final results to become apparent.


The thigh lift is usually an outpatient surgery, meaning you can usually go home the same day as your surgery. You’ll be advised to be driven home by a friend or family member, and you’ll be expected to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks. Stitches can be removed within a week, but swelling and bruising can often cause discomfort for several months.


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