
Hair fall can be very stressful for both men and women who experience it. Every hair strand you lose makes you feel overwhelmed, and you may even become anxious about going bald. Remember losing around 100 hairs in a day is very normal, but if you are losing many more than that, first, you may need to reconsider your lifestyle. This is because your daily lifestyle is one of the main reasons for hair loss.

There are other possible causes of hair loss, including underlying medical problems, hormonal imbalances, and hereditary (genetics). It might not be possible to reverse hair loss instantly, but some changes in your daily lifestyle habits can prevent it. Here are the few changes you need to induce in your day to day life:

Eat a healthier diet.

A healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in slowing down hair loss. Ensure to amplify your protein and iron consumption in your regular diet. Consider special foods in your daily diets like meat, fish, nuts & seeds, berries, and leafy vegetables. To reverse hair loss and promote hair growth, you can take multivitamin supplements and beta-carotene under the guidance of a hair doctor. Avoid crash diets; they can damage your hair.


You can also improve the health of your hair by exercising regularly. Yoga and meditation can help reduce hair fall.


The first step is to determine the type of your scalp and then choose the appropriate shampoo. Furthermore, your hair should be shampooed based on your scalp type. For example, if your scalp is dry and you over wash your hair, it results in hair fall, or if you don’t wash oily locks once every three days, it will also result in hair fall.

Also, be sure the shampoo does not contain chemical ingredients like sulfates, parabens, and silicone that make your hair more fragile and hence, vulnerable to breakage.


A good hair conditioner is a great way to care for your locks. Conditioning products have amino acids that repair hair damage and are also intended to keep the hair smooth.

Avoid over-styling

Excessive styling tools and chemical products can seriously damage your hair follicles.

Too much use of straightening irons, perming, colouring, etc., exposes your hair to chemical agents, which weakens the locks’ roots and damages them. Additionally, blow dryers, curling rods, especially when using them on wet hair, can boil the water inside the hair shafts, making them extremely fragile, so avoid using them as much as possible.

If you must use a blow dryer, set it to the lowest possible heat setting. If you need to use other tools that heat your hair, apply a strong leave-in conditioner first and end with a heat protectant spray.


Without a doubt, oiling regularly promotes blood circulation to your hair and nourishes its roots. Choose the oil that suits your scalp and massage your hair with it at least once a week. Put on a clean shower cap and after two hours, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Regularly trim your hair.

Usually, the tips of the hair are the most damaged, and regular trims every six to eight weeks can make the difference. When hair is damaged, it appears like a straw, and it needs to be trimmed to stimulate hair growth and prevent split ends.

Manage Stress

Health experts say that stress is one of the primary reasons for many health issues, including hair fall. Stress can trigger abnormal hair loss and prevent hair growth by interfering with the hair’s natural growth cycle. To prevent stress-induced hair loss, take control of your stress levels and get involved in regular exercise, yoga, and meditation.

It is highly recommended to quit smoking because it causes unwanted hair fall. There are some FDA-approved supplements to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Consult our hair care experts in Peshawar & Islamabad Hair Transplant Centre to know more details.

Various methods are available to help you improve your hair’s health and thickness. Many of those changes entail you living a healthy lifestyle, which benefits your hair in several ways.

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